24: Are We Having Fun?
Posted September 8, 2020
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Recorded August 15, 2020

Summer was ending for everyone involved. In response to another season passing, Nate and Ryan talk about how their summers shaped up and the beginning of the school year. Then, they shift to the differences between American Disney+ and Japanese Disney+ Japan and Ryan talks about Kingdoms of Amalur, a game that starts with your death. They decide to pick two meals that fill them with some level of joy before partaking in an Orange-Vanilla Coke. For the main media of the day, Ryan forces Nate to face Death by reading the book Mort by Sir Terry Pratchett, a book that involves the rigors of apprenticeship, the nature of reality (at least a reality where the world rides atop the back of four elephants on a turtle), and how Death really just wants to be a dancing, short-order chef spending his offtime playing with cats.

Preparing For School

Farming Games

Game Corner

Pick 2: Meals

  • Nate: Mexican Haystacks
  • Ryan: Chicago-style Deep Dish Pizza
  • Nate: Spicy Bulgogi
  • Ryan: Cornish Pasties

Coke Orange Vanilla


Theme by Michael AD
used with permission

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25: The Liss Family Lexicon
Other Episodes
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24: Are We Having Fun?
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Full episode list
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